Guidance Counsellor in conversation with student

Gifted Education

Waimea College Gifted Education

Philosophy and Approach

At Waimea College our mission is to provide individualised teaching, learning and support for gifted students. We aim to recognise and nurture their unique abilities, talents, and potential.

We are dedicated to creating an inclusive and stimulating learning environment that encourages intellectual, creative, and social growth. Our goal is to ensure that our students are equipped with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to excel academically and make meaningful contributions to society.

Girl is playing Shot put


There is no universally accepted definition of students identified as gifted. A common understanding is that giftedness in students results in their displaying a selection of characteristics at home and school that are significantly above the average for their age.

They demonstrate potential or ability in one or more from a range of areas which may include, but is not limited to any the following:

  • Academic/Intellectual/Matauranga
  • Artistic
  • Creative/Innovative
  • Cultural/Tikanga
  • Kaitiakitanga (guardianship)
  • Leadership /Rangatiratanga/ Social
  • Manaakitanga (hospitality)
  • Physical /Sporting/Tinana
  • Tohungatanga (expertise)
  • Whanaungatanga (values)
  • Wairuatanga (spirituality)

Identifying Gifted Students

At Waimea College we employ a multi-faceted approach to identifying gifted students. These tools include, but are not limited to the following:

    • Parent nomination or input
    • Student profiles – information compiled from application forms and previous schools.
    • Classroom teachers have the chance to nominate students with Gifted Education potential at the end of each Term (based on observation, discussion with students, work scrutiny)
    • Initial screening – test scores CEM, PAT or e-AsTTle
    • Examination and test results (NCEA)
    • Previous school records
    • Cultural input through consultation
    • Peer or self-nomination

Special Programs and Opportunities

At Waimea College we provide a range of activities that can support the growth and development of our gifted students. Waimea College values our connection with the community and outside organisations to provide meaningful opportunities; these may include:

  • Academic Captains and other student mentoring opportunities
  • Kapa Haka
  • Young Enterprise
  • Cawthron Scitec Expo
  • Young Australian Maths Challenge
  • Otago University Brainbee Challenge
  • Clubs – Chess, Science, Debating
  • Philosophy Conference Ministry of Inspiration
  • The Waimean – Contributor
  • New Zealand Young Physicist Tournament
  • Language Perfect World Championships
  • Duke of Edinburgh Hillary Award
  • Kiwi Competition -Maths/Science/English
  • Escape Room Visit



For more information regarding any of the above, please contact Jamie McAuley – Gifted Education Co-ordinator (