Principal addressing school assembly



Waimea College has an approved Enrolment Scheme in place to help manage roll growth and to ensure its students can attend their local College. Students who live within the geographic zone have priority right of entry.

Student working collaboratively in classroom

Enrolment Scheme

Waimea College has an approved Enrolment Scheme in place to help manage roll growth and to ensure its students can attend their local College. Students who live within the geographic zone have priority right of entry.

Students living in the Waimea College Zone

The Education Act gives a guarantee of enrolment to students who live in the zone specified below.

The address given at the time of application for enrolment must be the student’s usual place of residence when the school is open for instruction.  This means that if you currently live in an in-zone address but move to an out-of-zone address before your child’s first day of attendance at the school, your child will not be entitled to enrol at the school.

The Ministry of Education has advised that parents should also be warned of the possible consequences of deliberately attempting to gain enrolment by knowingly giving a false address or making an in-zone living arrangement that they intend to be only temporary eg

  • renting accommodation in-zone on a short-term basis;
  • arranging temporary board in-zone with a relative or family friend;
  • using the in-zone address of a relative or friend as an “address of convenience”, with no intention to live there on an ongoing basis.

Before enrolment takes place (ie before attendance begins), if the board has reasonable grounds for believing that the given in-zone address will not be a genuine, ongoing living arrangement, the board may withdraw any offer of place it might have made on the basis of the given address.

After attendance has begun, if the school learns that a student is no longer living at the in-zone address given at the time of application for enrolment and has reasonable grounds to believe that a temporary in-zone residence has been used for the purpose of gaining enrolment at the school, then the board may review the enrolment. Unless the parents can give a satisfactory explanation, the board may annul the enrolment. This course of action is provided for under clause 13 of Schedule 20 of the Education and Training Act 2020.

Students living outside of the Waimea College Zone

The Board of Trustees will determine if there is any room for out-of-zone students after allowing for all of the in-zone enrolments.  A ballot will be held if there are more applicants than spaces available.  The ballot will be conducted on those enrolments received by the due date (23 August 2024).  The ballot will be run in accordance with Ministry requirements and the College must apply the following priorities:

  • First priority must be given to students who meet the criteria for enrolment in an approved special programme run by the College (Special Education – maximum 42). Other special conditions may also apply.
  • Second priority must be given to siblings of current students.
  • Third priority must be given to siblings of former students.
  • Fourth priority must be given to children of a former student.
  • Fifth priority must be given to children of Board of Trustees employees.
  • Sixth priority must be given to all other students.

In situations where the number of applicants exceeds the number of places available for out-of-zone students, selection will be by ballot. If a ballot is required at our College, it will be held on 9 September 2024 and will be supervised by a Justice of the Peace (or other approved person). Within three school days of this date, the College will send you a letter informing you of the outcome of the ballot. If your application has been successful, you will be asked to confirm your acceptance or rejection of the offered place within 14 days of the date on the College’s letter. If you do not respond within the 14 day period, the place will be offered to the next person on the waiting list established by the ballot.

Description of Waimea College Zone
  • Start from where Wills Road meets the Inland Highway.
  • Draw a line from this intersection to the intersection of Marriages Road and the Coastal Highway and on to the sea.
  • Follow south-east along the coast to include Rabbit Island, re-joining at Saxton Road.
  • Extend the line of Saxton Road to the south-east to meet a line running from Clover Knob to Gordons Knob and then north from Gordons Knob to Spooners Saddle on Highway 6.
  • From there, in a straight line to the top of the Rosedale Saddle, then to the south-western end of Wills Road and along Wills Road to where it meets the Inland Highway.

Note: Addresses in Wills Road would be deemed to be in the Waimea College zone as defined by the line drawn between Gordons Knob and the Coastal Highway on the map provided.

For further assistance with determining whether you reside within the Waimea College Zone, please visit
You can search by entering your home address or by school name.